Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Crossfit - Tuesday 23rd

So Tuesday night was a good workout. I actually surprised myself. I went in in a bit of a bad mood (something to do with needing a 200% performance increase to just get even with the average start on the other team.... OK I think one team started a bit fitter then the other) but after some good conversation with Green team, Mike from Crossfit and Diane from SFL things seemed better.

The Green team (listeners) really felt that the scoring should be improvement based to be just. Otherwise that part of the challenge is already over as they have a 100% lead on us just to start. Similarly the SFL scoring can not just be weight as, lets be honest, some of us (me for sure) have a lot more weight than others to lose easily [steph from k100 seems quite in shape already :) ]... Then again, she has already lost more weight that I have... but has she been gaining the muscle mass we have been gaining as i know i have already punched new holes in my belts as they just don't go tight enough?

So the workout went well. 6 weight lifts of just the bar (I feel strongly about not jumping into complicated lifts but rather work on lifting in general and lifting right) and then 9 hanging knee lifts (the lifting knees - easy.... the hanging 225 pounds on my itty bitty wrists.. not so easy). Then 12 box jumps onto a 2 foot high box (i did all my jumps onto the right box which impressed me).

So I managed 5 rounds of this in 13.59 which amazed me... (I need to learn to count better as I lose count for simple things or forget to stop sometimes). Overall a great workout with a fun group.

I want to emphasie that I try to, and do, have fun every time. I think if I went and everyone was just interested in working out only (you know grunt, groan, max power, max lift, etc... boring) I would stop going. To me, I love the social aspect of 5 people learning who we all are and trying to get self improved together. My goal is self-improvement. I never want to do a "muscle up" (its a stupid move) and never want to lift a weight in an "Olympic fashion" . I want to lift weights carefully and slowly, but be able to lift them. Even the box jumps yesterday (I must questions)were high impact and to me risk my knees (something I would like to keep forever). But right now its still fun, and the crossfit team tones the routines down to our abilities (or we at least encourage them to). I just don't think they would like hearing that I'm not interested in getting to the level they want to be at or think I coudl reach. Yes I could reach it, no I am not interested in reaching it. Im 36, a dad, an employee, a husband and have more important things to do that risking "exercise injury" on complicated moves when I get just as much out of the simpler moves..

On a side note: Antigonish for the next 10 days and whereas I will love it as I will see my wife and daughter, in the next week I have schedules a crown for dental work, doctors appointments [since for the past 6-7 days I have lost most of the feeling in my upper leg - that's right, nub and cold all the time] and probably lots of marking and a few union based meeting. On top of that, new SFL menu soon and daily keep up workouts for crossfit have me excited and I'll teach my wife some squats - a very useful move ;)

Should be a busy week!!!

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