Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What a Day...

So today started great when as soon as I started my car I heard the K100 pay song, dialed in and Steph answered (first time I got an answer this year) with the how ya doing intro... I knew I was caller 10...Cha ching...$100.00

So when she asked who it was, I said "you'll never guess, its Jeff". She said Jeff McNally.. no way. Well a short conversation later about how I was on the ENEMY team (that's right, the winning team) they admitted I had won. I then really enjoyed asking Steph a question while on the air..."when on testing day you finish your Squats do you mind counting for me as I keep going". LOVED IT BABY (as did my team members). Well credit where credit is due... Mike from crossfit gave us that line to use the other day and said its time to start the mental games. So game on **********

Well day kept getting better with two roll up the rim wins (that makes it 7 wins in 15 cups now).

Eventually it was time for Crossfit and I was excited. The exercise (I thought) was 5 rounds of 5 burpies, 10 box jumps and 15 ball walls. Well I was actually excited about this (well maybe not the burpies, but 25 seemed a doable number for me). Then when I got there it was 10 rounds (I had read wrong.. maybe wishful thinking).

OK 5 to 10 is a major change in my attitude. Too many. I will never finish.. Holy crap...

Well I did manage to get through 9 rounds before I stopped after a jump that did not feel right in my hip (see previous posts on slight injury). To be honest though, a mosquito bite would probably have been enough excuse for me to quit. I found 10 rounds to be too much for me. I was fighting hard at 6, so had to stop at 9 (and it might have even been only 8 rounds as I struggled to keep the counting correct).

Well more tomorrow.. and am excited for this thursdays weigh in too

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