Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Friday March 26th and Monday March 29th

So had a great weekend this "last" weekend of March. Turns out the Resolution Solution contest will have one more week and that the final testing day will be April the 10th (a Saturday). I encourage anyone following the blog or just following the contest to pop a head in crossfit and encourage the listeners to win win win.

Fridays work out was deceptive. Looked challenging at first as the description was "row 500m as fast as you can - 3 reps for average time: in between rows work on double unders". However I am learning to fear the easy sounding ones. Turns out it was row 500m as BLOODY fast as you can and then do 30 double unders and 20 knees to elbows while the rest of the people there do their rowing. As soon as you are up to row again you need to have your in between work done because you go again.

So 150 double unders, 60 knees to elbows and 1500m of rowing at full pace.
This one exhausted my tank big time. My wife and daughter are in town this weekend, so they showed up and I have to admit when I was really empty with 150m to go in rowing, Dela yelling "go daddy go... go daddy go..." did help. My first row was 1:50. then 1:57 and then 2:02 for an average time of 1:57 (at least it was under 2:00 but not quite the 1:42 mike hinted I could do.)

Saturday I planned on going to the gym for a 6th day in a row, but time did not help on this one.

So Monday I was back in the Gym for a new week and a nice hard pace workout. Between kettle bell swings, push ups, SDHP's farmers walks and pistols it was a challenge. I recognize that push ups are by far my weakest exercise. Even pull ups seem to be coming but mentally I can not get around this push up block. Maybe one day....

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