Friday, March 19, 2010

5 Days in a row???? - Lots to blog about...

OK, so as the title says I managed 5 days in a row at Crossfit Saint John this week. And it was a hectic week. In my last blog I told you about the K100 sabotage/revenge. Well it was a great laugh for everyone involved actually. OK, lets go over what I have not told you about this week 9could be a long post)

Jay and Steph (and Deb - K100) asked me to be on the air Thursday and loving being the center of attention, of course I agree (this is probably not good for my out of control ego as I get my body and diet in check). This was actually asked on Tuesday when I was on the air with Nancy and on Wednesday morning when I delivered the cake Jay asked me to come up then for a bit (which I declined only because I had a bit of work to do before my 9:30 class that morning).

Cut to 12:30 , the Pizza.... still laughing about it

Cut to 4:00pm, I decided to go to the gym (3 days in a row that would make it) for a routine I knew was called Death by pull ups. I did okish at this workout but disappointed that I really believe i could have done better. You know 95% of this workout success is just frame of mind. Basically I managed minute by minute to increase my pull up ate to 8 pull ups in one minute. (1 in first, 2 more in second, 3 more in third.. get the drift). I failed epically on the 9th but did manage 9 after I was out in the 10th minute to prove to myself I could. The original sets 1 to 8 were on a 3 band but the overtime final 9 was on a 3+1 band. first time managing on just a 3 band at all.

Thursday morning I weighed in at SFL and had lost 4.3 pounds this week (I believe my best result yet) bringing my total SFL weight loss to 14.5 pounds and my total New Brunswick weight loss to 42.7 pounds.. WOWSERS

It was also at SFL that Bruce (my coach and the SFL owner/creator) scolded me for eating the Pizza. I said "well turn around is fair play and good sportsmanship said I must eat the pizza as the told me (and my class) that they ate some cake. THEY LIED. Turns out they did not eat a bite of cake (they will pay - but i have to admire their strategy) and instead gave it to Michelle for her Birthday (your welcome Michelle.... make them buy you something too for being re-gifters.. something EXPENSIVE)

So this did bother me quite a bit (its all good though) and drove me to go to the gym for 2 more sessions this week. THAT'S RIGHT 5 days in a row for Crossfit. Thursday was not that bad a workout (mentally i mean - physically challenging) but todays (Friday) had mentally beat before I even got there as it starts with 60 push ups which I hate. Well I made it through but I probably had the worst time in teh gym I often do) but I made it through. I even ran 2 laps today . On to next week

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