Wednesday, March 31, 2010

the Evil of Burpies and the Missing Teammates

OK, so its Wednesday morning, my wife and daughter just left to go back to Nova Scotia, and actually tomorrow I will go there too for the holiday weekend.

Today's blog is about yesterdays workout which was in honour of Coach Mikes 34th Birthday (than goodness he is not 50 yet). The workout consisted of 34 reps of various exercises (8 i think) bookended by 100 skips and 100 flutter kicks. Overall a push through it workout that leaves you wanting to quit. Of course, no two exercises makes me want to quit more than push ups and burpies. The push ups just seem to be my nemesis. Stringing 10 together into a smooth fluid motion seems to be as easy as solving an NP complete problem in quadratic time (OK, that's a math joke, but give me at least one). So 34 push ups - well lets just say that no matter how many times I mutter "I can do it" or Amy yells "push through it" I am mentally defeated before starting this one. I did manage to push through it of course, but at this time in a timed event I am at least one full set of 34 exercises behind everyone else in timing.

After the push ups - you guessed it - 34 burpies. OK now don't get me wrong, but burpies are just push ups in disguise with an additional humiliating move added in (the jump up and clap after each push up). To me its not mental defeat on this exercise, but shear hatred. I see no point in them and this is probably the one exercise that would actually be successful in stopping me becoming a regular member of the Crossfit program. Like many exercise routines they also use this move as "punishment" for saying "I CAN'T" and the punishment factor when I am trying to better myself also does not work for my personality type. My current plan is to keep going with Crossfit after the contest ends next weekend, but burpies could change that.

Well I made it through the routine in about 22 minutes (I really wish I had all my numbers written down) and then went on to the rest of my day (covered in sweat I might add).

A big negative for me this week is missing my team. So far I have always managed to work out at 6pm with most of my team mates from K100 Green team (winning team) even though it was not the best time for me. Well this week, since my wife and daughter were here I went at 4pm instead so worked out with a few regular members instead (and a few K100 Silver team members). Now don't get me wrong, thees guys are great but compared to my regular team members they don't have the desire to see me succeed. On the green team we all want each of us to do our best and make sure we all let each other know. Hopefully next week a few sessions with them will get me re-motivated.

ps: SFL weigh in tomorrow and I'm not excited. I have a feeling after the "weekend of birthday celebrations, friends and family" in which I really struggled to get the right mix of foods into me (way down on vegetable consumption) I will ac tally be up a pound (or two).... sad

pps: this 46 inch waist fat guy (well 44 - 46 depending on cut) is wearing his new jeans today - 38 inch waist.

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