Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Crossfit and K100 sabotage (or Fair Play) - Wednesday 17th

So lets stat with crossfit from last night. A great workout I was happy to do (even though it was hard). After usual warm-up, I managed to do a one lap around the king square\union street block without stopping or walking any of it. Mike wanted 2, but with my leg/hip concern I was happy with one.

The workout was a numbers one. There were 4 exercises [ knees to elbows - dead hang on the pull up bar and lift knees up, dips on a tire, jumping 90 degree squats - jump out of each squat landing 90 degrees changed, and kettle bell swings]. Of these four, the first (knees) is extremely hard for me. I don't yet have the arm strength to do much to help lift my weight. The challenge of this exercise is to do 21 of each, then 18 of each, then 15 , 12, 9, and finally 6 of each for time. I think my time was around 18 minutes which is not half bad for a couch potato like me.

So now to fair play. Today is St. Pa tricks day and our "K100 Green Team" has decided its Green Team Day. So to celebrate we decided I would deliver a nice not-so-SFL-approved Ice Cream cake to Jay and Steph this morning for their radio show with the writing "Happy 'green team' day K100". I can't even type that without giggling. It felt so mischievous and fun...

Well Steph rebutted well on the air (since also this morning another team member won $100 on a pay song - go Lisa [I won mine earlier this week]) with a nice indication that they were going to eat it all and still lose more weight than us. Not to mention the 400 sit ups she did that non of us got close tooo......

Well we were all on facebook in a private group we have laughing it up after that. A good day indeed. In my 9:30 stats class I could not help but tell them all about it. In my 12:30 stats class......REVENGE

Steph, Jay and Deb all waiting outside my class with some piping hot delicious Pizza Hut pizza. Something I have not had in 6 weeks, nor should have (sorry bruce). Well sportsman ship is fair play. So I enjoyed a nice slice of cheese bites pizza as well as a delicious slice of apple desert pizza (my ultimate fav always). Thanks to K100 from my class though that loved it and enjoyed all the remainder of the pizza to much enjoyment.

I think now I have to go squeeze in a workout. see ya'll tomorrow after my weigh in.


Just a post workout note. Went with team mate Shirley to do todays' workout. It was all pull ups and I loved it as I need work on those. Did OK but think I could do better next time. The exercise was to start a clock going. Then in the first minute you must complete 1 pull up, second minute 2, third minute three etc until you fail. they must be completed before the minute ends of your done. I managed 8 rounds on a 3 band (first time trying just a 3 band) and did manage my 9 in a minute on a 3 + 1 band but not until after i failed in the 9th minute (but did the 9 in the 10th minute). Pretty good over all. I even ran a lap before for warm up (no stopping what so ever) and a lap at the end (walked 3rd quarter due to stitch). Getting better every day and thanks to the wonderful work of Amy I feel a lot better about my pull ups now and feel encouraged. Amy rocks... (and bella too)

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