Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Final Contest Week

Well its the final week of the Resolution Solution folks (not that I think anyone is reading this blog) and I have to say the results have so exceeded my original expectations.

Back when I won this contest at my First SFL weigh in I was 231.8. Now I believe I am under 210 with my final weigh in tomorrow (Thursday the 8th). If you told me I would lose about 22 pounds in only 2 months having just lost 30 pounds in about 5 months by eating right and exercising well I would have said "yeah yeah yeah, blah blah blah"...

But it happened.

Not only did it happen, but I feel a real change in my attitude about both parts of my life. Eating can be healthy, inexpensive and enjoyable. I feel great about the foods I'm eating, I have more energy than ever and I am more productive at work. Not only that but my wife and daughter love my new look, and I love their new looks. My Wii fit (I love my Wii) now says my daughter is a healthy weight (which gives me a large smile) and my wife has dropped out of the obese category on their chart which means she is very happy (its a small gain, but a mentally powerful one - she has lost about 25 pounds on just Simply for Life with no added physical activity).

So what next... well I might have won 8 weeks of each program, but my no means do I plan on quitting. Tomorrow I sign up for SFL ( to continue - I am sold on this program as the one out there that works .... and I've tried a few. My goal is to get down to 165-175 and then re-evaluate. I see no reason in stopping what looks like a great trend from continuing. New week, also expect to see me at Crossfit. This program also works and is, in my opinion, the best fitness program out there - and not just because of smiley mike.

Originally 8 weeks ago, I recall standing there and thinking things like "can't they at least get us chairs" or "they can not seriously be thinking we will be doing these things". The next few days we learnt the technical moves and I distinctly remember having to use a ring to pull myself up to get only 3 sit ups completed. Its almost embarrassing how hard it is to do exercise moves we should all be able to do with ease. A week later the original benchmarks made me bean when I managed only 19 sit ups and 7 pull ups. Well this Saturday ( you can see me do my final contest benchmarks when GREEN TEAM will send SILVER into shame

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