Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day one of the New Menu

So today was the first day of my "cleansing menu" and overall I think things went very well (OK, not 100%, but very well). I was nervous about the new food types and the "low fat, high fiber" alternatives but as the day went, a great success.

Breakfast: I have avoided wheat bread my whole life as much as possible. I recall getting really upset at Swiss Chalet once when they brought wheat rolls and said "we are low on white so you had to choose white when you ordered - despite assuming white was still the default"... Well the breakfast this morning was a grain break with natural peanut butter and some berries... and I loved it. It also included some skim milk (a 2% drinker for life I always said)... and it was fine. I know this sounds like nothing, but these were the first two fears I had and they turned out to be irrational fears.

Snack : one of my favorite foods, so no complaints there.... well maybe it seemed weird to have a snack between breakfast and dinner, but then again its just because its a weekend day. On weekdays at work, I kinda do snack to much.

Lunch: Here I kinda wish I had gotten a number to call and ask for help. We made a choice from my plan for lunch that 1) scared me before making it due to the cooked tomato content and 2) sounded like a lot of food (three cups of vegetables and my two favorite vegetables were on the no list). Well the tomato based product (trying to be cryptic) was DELICIOUS...well better than tolerable and easily will become a like I believe.... however I did not eat it more than a few bites. The reason here was stomach capacity. I know I overeat bad foods, but overeating good foods seemed to fill me up too much. I think in part it was due to choices of veg (raw carrots, raw celery today) but 3 cups is a lot no matter what choice i had made.

Snack: I managed to squeeze it in, but it is a favorite food of mine again.

Dinner: OK, late dinner due to prep time and a game of catan that seemed to take forever to call it off after about half time we suspect. Delicious dinner, but again three cups of veg. Its a lot and i need to seek clarification on how this is measured as 3 cups of cabbage and 3 cups of carrots are very different.

Snack: its optional.... did not really want it but a sweet taste at night and a three year old daughter made it a great finish to the day... well maybe time for one more Tea

Excited about how this will go tomorrow. Work, Crossfit, and eating like a pig it feels.. wait don't pigs eat healthy and then get fat too....

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